Clutch drag

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Clutch drag

Post by Gammakeith » 03 Sep 2019, 12:53

Dear all,

I've just returned from a very enjoyable trip to the Isle of Man. I did about 400 miles on the AR which was mostly off road and the newly rebuilt engine ran flawlessly apart from clutch drag. It was fine with a cold engine but when hot it dragged more and more to the point that I could start to pull away with the clutch fully in :-) The following morning would be back to normal again so I assume plates etc are not warped. I have a spare clutch I can put in but the one in the bike was near perfect when I checked it. Are these bikes sensitive to gearbox oil? I put in fully synthetic motorcycle transmission oil so am a bit baffled what else it could be though I assume this is not normal. The clutch was fine before I rebuilt the engine but I have done little off roading before so its possible the problem was there before.



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Re: Clutch drag

Post by Lostit » 03 Jan 2021, 19:23

Looks like this is a similar issue to mine.

My clutch works fine when cold but half way through a ride it starts dragging badly. To the point where you end up having to rev the bike to keep the engine running and you can't get neutral without stopping the engine.

I've checked my plates are within tolerance. So are my steels. I've also check the steels are flat. I've replaced the springs and it still does it.

I have a new clutch basket inner and outer to fit as soon as ebc stock the full packs I'll have to buy one in the hope of fixing the issue.

Also I have a new cable from leisure trail it is fitted and right at the end of its adjustment to the point I'm about to take it to the shop and have a good inch removed.. any idea whether leisure trail bales are too long or what it could be?

Looking at other photos my clutch engages at the same position as other bikes?

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Re: Clutch drag

Post by Gammakeith » 04 Jan 2021, 08:30

Mine was cured by swapping in the clutch pack from my spare engine. I had some slight bluing to some of the steels which was not a good sign. I suspect I overheated the clutch due to my struggles getting up some rocky slopes. They seemed flat when I tested them on my surface plate which was a bit odd. Perhaps heat damage meant that the tempering of the steel was affected which led to them warping when hot? Certainly, the clutch felt perfect and normal when the engine was cold.

Good luck!


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